Emergency Internet Safety For Kids
Using the Internet can be very fun. You can surf the Web as you do schoolwork, you can play games online, and you can stay connected with friends and family. But as useful as the Internet is, it can also be a dangerous place for people of all ages. That's why it's important to know safety rules that can help you protect yourself online.
Internet safety involves following rules about how and when to use the Internet. Your parents will probably have specific rules that you need to follow. The company that provides your family with Internet service also has rules for the people who use this service. One of the most important Internet safety rules involves the information you share online. Never share personal information like your phone number, your address, or the name of your school. Do not upload pictures of yourself or your family without checking with a parent first. Choose a screen name for yourself as you use the Internet rather than using your real name, and never share the passwords to your accounts with anyone other than your parents. If you ever get a message online that makes you uncomfortable, tell an adult right away. Never agree to meet anyone you've met online in person without the supervision and permission of a parent.
Cyberbullying is bullying that happens over the Internet on computers, smartphones, or tablets. Cyberbullying can involve text messages, emails, phone calls, or interaction on websites such as social media or forums. This type of bullying might embarrass or threaten someone, possibly by the sharing of negative, false, or harmful information or photos. Cyberbullying can even be criminal if it involves threats.
Many people enjoy using social media to stay connected with friends and family online. Social media sites and apps let people chat with each other and share news. While social media can be fun, it's important to use it safely. Keep a social media account secure by never sharing your password with anyone. Remember that once you post something on social media, you can't ever delete it completely. Never share photos, personal information, or negative posts, because this information could affect your future and reputation if potential employers find it later. Be careful about the people you connect with on social media: Limit your friends to the people you know in real life. And if anyone threatens or harasses you on social media, always tell a parent right away.
Computer viruses are programs that can infect computers and mobile devices. Once infection happens, a virus might be able to steal private information on a computer. A virus could also cause a computer to stop working. A computer virus might infect a computer through an email attachment. You might also have your computer infected with a virus by visiting a website or by clicking on a link on a website. Software can be installed on a computer to protect it from viruses. However, criminals are constantly creating new viruses to threaten computers. This is why it's important not to download anything unless you know who sent it and you know what it is. Stay away from potentially risky websites, and don't click links to download software from the Internet.
Internet Safety
- Internet Safety
- Children's Internet Safety
- Safety Tips
- Internet Safety for Kids
- Internet Safety Tips for Kids
- Cybersecurity: Seven Ways to Keep Kids Safe Online
- Kids' Cyber-Safety Tips
- Five Tips to Keep Kids Safe Online
- A Guide to Internet Safety for Parents and Children (PDF)
- Internet Safety Toolkit (PDF)
- Talking to Your Kids About Cyberbullying
- Overview of Cyberbullying
- Cyberbullying Information
- What Is Cyberbullying?
- Facts About Cyberbullying
- Tips for Students (PDF)
- Talking With Kids About Being Online (PDF)
- Tackling Bullying Behaviors (PDF)
- Bullying and Cyberbullying Are Widespread Problems
- Cyberbullying: Who, Me? Why Should I Care? (PDF)
Social Media Safety
- Kids and Socializing Online
- Safer Social Networking
- Social Networking Sites: Safety Tips for Tweens and Teens (PDF)
- Common Sense on Internet Safety for Middle-School Kids (PDF)
- How to Stay Safe in Cyberspace
- At What Age Can a Child Use Social Media?
- Cybersafety for Kids
- Safety and Civility Advice for Anonymous Apps
- Talking to Your Kids About Social Media Safety
- A Parent's Guide to Internet Safety for Kids
- Probing Question: What Are Computer Viruses and Where Do They Come From?
- About Viruses, Worms, and Trojan Horses
- Computer Virus and Malware Information
- Cyber-Crimes and Children (PDF)
- Internet Dangers
- Raising Digitally Safe Kids in the Era of Sharing Everything
- How to Protect Yourself From Viruses
- Top Ten Safe Computing Tips
- How to Protect Your Computer From Viruses
- Protect Your Computer From Viruses, Hackers, and Spies

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