
Church Emergency Preparedness Resources

As useful as the Internet is, it can also be a dangerous place for people of all ages. That’s why it’s important to know safety rules that can help you protect yourself online.

Emergency Internet Safety For Kids

Using the Internet can be very fun. You can surf the Web as you do schoolwork, you can play games online, and you can stay connected with friends and family.

Amateur Radio and Emergency Communications

Disasters in remote places have historically involved amateur radio operators. These “hams” have stepped in to provide assistance when other forms of communication fail.

First Aid and Disaster Safety for People with Special Needs

Individuals with disabilities or special needs will need to take steps to ensure their safety by being prepared to respond appropriately in an emergency or natural disaster.

Emergency Preparedness Plan for Pets

Pets are often unequipped to protect themselves in an emergency situation and need our help to make sure they make it through safely.

Disaster Safety for Seniors

Although emergency preparedness is important for all people, seniors should take extra measures to ensure that they are ready for when emergencies strike.

Preparing for Flu Emergencies: Stopping the Spread of Germs in the Office

The flu is a respiratory illness that due to its contagious nature can impact everyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or location.

Planning for Business Emergencies: Data Breaches Explained

Businesses face a number of potential emergencies that threaten their bottom line or even their survival.