Prepare Your Business For a Disaster With Emergency Notifications
Does your organization have the emergency notification tools you need? 9 key questions to ask.
Improve Government Crisis Response With A Smart Emergency Notification System
How AlertFind empowers local and state governments to efficiently prepare for emergencies.
Business Emergency Communications Ensure Continuity In A Crisis
Do you have what it takes to manage business continuity? Not if you don’t have an emergency notification system.
Avoid Alert Fatigue With Timely, Relevant Mass Messaging
Alert fatigue can undermine the effectiveness of any emergency notification system. Here’s how to avoid it.
How Mass Notifications Help Your Business Survive Pandemics
Learn how to maintain business continuity during outbreaks and pandemics.
Emergency Preparedness System for Companies: What To Look For
AlertFind’s emergency preparedness system helps organization send critical alerts during any disaster.
What Is A Mass Notification System?
Mass notification systems enable businesses to maintain organization-wide communication during emergencies.
A Comprehensive Guide for Fire Prevention and Safety
In the United States, home fires claim the lives of an average of seven people a day. Fortunately, in most cases, fires are preventable.
Can You Reach Your Employees In An Emergency? Why You Need Multi-Device Notifications
Most employees won’t have a computer handy during a crisis, but you still need to reach them. Multi-channel notifications must be part of your plan.